



  • 住宿條件

  • 學生餐廳

  • 獎學金

  • 校外教學

  • 相關證書

  • 鄰近高鐵站

  • 鄰近火車站

  • 位置: 臺灣中部

    中部, Changhua County

地址:No.1 Chieh Shou North Road, 50094 Changhua City, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  • 師資: 專任老師 9 人、兼任老師 5 人
  • 聯絡人: 林姿瑛
  • Email: lc@ctu.edu.tw
  • 聯絡電話: 04-7111111ext. 4001
  • 傳真號碼: 04-711-4631


1. 經由「外國學生來臺就學辦法」申請入學,攻讀學士、碩士或博士等學位學程之外國學生。

2. 外國學生申請相關規定應以中華民國教育部公布之最新『外國學生來臺就學辦法』之規定為準。如違反辦法,經查證屬實者,將撤銷其入學資格、開除學籍或撤銷其本校畢業資格,且不發給任何學歷證明。

* 不具外國學生身分之僑生與港澳生須透過海外聯合招生委員會」統一申請,有相關問題請逕洽該委員會。請參考僑生及外國學生來臺就讀大學之相關規定及權益比較表(此連結由本校教務處提供)
* 大陸籍學生一律須透過「大陸地區學生聯合招生委員會」統一申請,有相關問題請逕洽該委員會。



  1. 經中華民國駐外館處驗證之高中畢業程度證明或高中畢業證書及成績單(申請大學部)、二年或三年制學院修業證明及成績單(申請插班大學部)或大學畢業證書及成績單(申請研究所)
  2. 經中華民國駐外館處驗證足夠在臺就學之財力證明書
  3. 健康證明含愛滋、結核病、痲疹抗體及德國痲疹抗體檢驗報告
  4. 護照影印本一份
  5. 2吋照片三張
  6. 填寫一份外國學生入學申請表

 Application for Foreign Students

  1. Notarized High School Diploma and transcript or approved documents about similar school achievement(application for undergraduate program), 2- or 3-year Institute Diploma and Transcript (application for undergraduate program), Bachelor degree certificate and transcript (application for graduate program).
  2. Notarized financial statement to cover the study fees 
  3. Most recent health certificate(proof of negative HIV, tuberculosis, measles, rubella antibody titers or measles and rubella vaccination certificates)
  4. A photo copy of passport
  5. Three 2-inch photos
  6. Completed application form for admission for foreign students.
I. Scholarships for International Students of Chienkuo Technology University (CTU) aims to encourage the enrollment of international students.
II. Qualifications :
(一) 未具僑生身分,且不具中華民國國籍之外籍學生。
(二) 未曾受註銷本獎學金受獎資格者,因故休學又復學者需重新申請。
(三) 專案入學與專班之學生不得申請。 (四) 操行成績達80分以上,並且無任何不及格科目懲處記錄者 。
1) International degree students who have officially registered but are not ROC citizens, nor overseas Chinese.
2) International degree students who have suspended the schooling but have not been revoked scholarship eligibility need to reapply when returning to CTU.
3) Students of special programs or been admitted on special terms are not eligible.
4) Candidates also have to meet the following requirements : evaluation of personal conducts above 80, no failure on any subjects and no record of misconduct or discipline.
III. The maximum duration of award to undergraduate students is four years, and master’s students two years. The number of scholarship recipients will vary every year depending on the CTU’s annual budget.
VI. Types of Award:
(一) 外籍學生學雜費獎學金:
第一學年 所有具申請資格外籍生皆有學雜費全額獎金。第二年開始 前一學期學業平均分數排名百分比為所有具申請資格外籍生前百分之三十者, 享有全額之學雜費獎學金;前一學期學業平均分數排名百分比為所有具申請資格外籍生前百分之五十者, 享有半額之學雜費獎學金;其餘者繳交全額之學雜費。
(二) 外籍學生獎學金:第二學年開始前一學期的平均分數達75分以上者可申請獎學金,每月五千元,每學期四個月合計二萬元。其名額視每年國際合作及交流處經費情況編列,於每學期初專簽奉核後辦理。領取助學金者需協助國際合作及交流處或校內其他單位處理相關事務,在當學期須完成每月四十小時 ,四個月共計一百六十小時 ,四個月共計一百六十小時 ,四個月共計一百六十小時 之服務 。
(三) 交換學生獎學金:每月以新台幣五千元,每學期以新台幣二萬元為準,於外籍學生實際到校註冊後,按月撥入學生帳戶,學雜費收費依其原就讀學校與本校之協議收取。
1) Tuition & Fees Waiver
All international degree students’ Tuition and Fees are waived in the first school year. Eligibility in the 3rd semester and beyond depends on the average grade in the previous semester.
◎ Fully Waived:Applicants whose average grade ranking is among top 30% of all applicants.
◎ Half Waived:Applicants whose average grade ranking is among top 50% of all applicants.
Tuition and fees of applicants whose average grade ranking fall behind the top 50% of all applicants are not waived at all.
2) Degree Student Scholarship
Recipients whose average grade in the previous school year are 75 or above receive NT$5,000/per month, totally NT$20,000/per semester, and have to provide service of 40-hour/month, totally 160-hour/4-month in the semester of award. This scholarship is not available to students in their 1st school year.
3) Exchange Student Scholarship
Recipients receive NT$5,000/per month and totally NT$20,000/per semester after completing registration procedure.
V. Application Procedures:
Incoming international degree students submit application form to Office of International Affairs when applying for admission. Currently enrolled students follow Section 2, Article VI.
VI. Scholarships Review Process :
(一) 於申請入學時一併申請:
(二) 已註冊入學之後申請:
1) Incoming students:
Incoming students submit scholarship application form and transcript of original school along with admission application to Office of International Affairs. The recipients will be announced after approval by the committee and CTU President. Recipients have to complete registration procedure before receiving the award.
2) Continuing students:
Currently enrolled students’ application form and transcript shall be submitted to the Office of International Affairs by the end of July every year. The recipients will be announced after approval by the committee and CTU President.
VII. Those who are receiving or have received scholarships for more than NT$70000/per semester are ineligible.
VIII. A recipient shall not receive the scholarship if he or she 1) does not complete the registration procedure for the semester when the scholarship is awarded, 2) retains the student status or 3) transfers to another university. International degree students who have suspended the schooling but have not been revoked scholarship eligibility need to reapply when returning to CTU.
IX. Scholarship recipients will be required to return the full amount of the scholarship awarded if found to have submitted counterfeit documents or fake qualifications. Those who suspend schooling, transfer to other universities or been expelled during the semester of award have to return the cash received.



◎綠能產業:綠能產業是行政院推動的六大新興產業之一,綠色能源產業旭升方案,確立七項產業為我國綠色能源重點產業包括太陽光電 ‚LED照明光電 ƒ風力發電 „生質燃料 …氫能與燃料電池 †能源資通訊 ‡電動車輛。


