
Stunning Taiwan Learn Chinese Podcast





大甲媽祖 / The Mazu Pilgrimage圖片

大甲媽祖 / The Mazu Pilgrimage


  Do you want to roam the streets with a deity? Do you fancy the most authentic experiences local to Taiwan? If so, you cannot miss the Mazu Pilgrimage organized by Dajia Jenn Lann Temple in Taichung! In the religious carnival that goes on for 9 days and 8 nights, you shall observe the passion of the devotees in the pilgrimage. Along the way, you may not just enjoy the free food and beverage served by the devotees but also experience the unique activity of “going under the palanquin” to receive blessings of the Taiwanese deity! In addition, one can easily find the answers to questions like the weather and the route or check the whereabouts of the procession anytime on the mobile app! You are welcome to the Mazu Pilgrimage named by Discovery Channel as one of the world’s three major religious festivals!

阿里山 02 / Alishan: Tea Culture and Indigenous Tribe圖片

阿里山 02 / Alishan: Tea Culture and Indigenous Tribe


  Coming to Alishan, you don’t just see the gorgeous views but also learn about the indigenous culture in Taiwan! Kuba, the signature architecture of the Tsou people, and their crafts like leather carving are worth a look. If you’re here in the right season, you can even join the traditional festival of the Tsou people! Furthermore, the tea culture is yet another feature of Alishan one cannot miss. In Taiwan, tea is more than a beverage, but a kind of diet culture. The dish with eggs and other ingredients braised with the tealeaves of Alishan is a delicacy you have to try!

阿里山 01/Alishan: Scenery and Transportation圖片

阿里山 01/Alishan: Scenery and Transportation


  Do you want to see the sea of clouds? Do you want to capture the moment of the Sun rising slowly from the cloud ocean with your mobile phones? Come to Alishan (Ali Mountain) then! The sceneries up in Alishan are something you cannot miss if you come traveling in Taiwan. One may go to Ogasawara Viewing Platform to appreciate the magnificent sunrise and cloud ocean during autumn and winter. In addition, the mountain offers unique views all year round—cherry blossoms, fireflies, maple leaves, and so forth. Let’s not forget the most famous Sacred Trees and the Fenqihu Old Street! Come with us to ride on the train of the Alishan Forest Railway and explore one of the top destinations worthy of visit in Taiwan!

臺灣寺廟建築/Architecture and Art of Taiwan Temple圖片

臺灣寺廟建築/Architecture and Art of Taiwan Temple


  Let’s learn about the places where the deities in Taiwan reside through our introduction! Like the home setup, from which you can tell the personality and characteristics of a person, you can gain insights into the affluent traditional arts and culture in Taiwan from the exterior of temples! Take the rooftop of a temple for example. The dragons and ancestors made of ceramics in varied colors recount the ancient Chinese mythology. Also, the exquisite carved eastern dragon pillar implies “favorable weather and timely rain.” A temple stands as a library with rich collections of mythology, history and folklores. Join us to read the cultural stories of Taiwan!

臺北101/Taipei 101圖片

臺北101/Taipei 101


  Picture that on the night of December 31st, you walk down the most crowded street in Taipei, lift your head up with the people around you, and appreciate the colorful firework booming at 1,671 feet high! That is the famous New Year’s Eve firework of Taipei 101 in Taiwan, which is also the firework set off from a skyscraper rarely seen in the world. Meanwhile, the exterior of Taipei 101 with various elements of oriental aesthetics and other attractions nearby like Songshan Cultural and Creative Park are perfect for a tour during the day! Let’s go for a 1-day trip in Taipei then!




  Do you fancy dressing up as your favorite character but don’t know whom to share it with? Come to the cosplay event and be a cosplayer yourself then! The cosplay events began to gain popularity in Taiwan since the 1990s. Here in Taiwan, besides the anime characters we all know about, you can also see the unique cosplay to represent the Taiwanese culture—Taiwanese Glove Puppetry! This traditional glove puppetry art performed mainly in Taiwanese is loved by an army of fans. In recent years, by partaking in the international competitions, fans of Taiwanese Glove Puppetry are promoting such culture to the world!

米其林美食/Food and the Michelin Guide圖片

米其林美食/Food and the Michelin Guide


  If you’re a gourmet, check out the Micheline Guide! This “red book” will guide you through restaurants serving delicacies worldwide. In fact, this book is published by a tire company. But why tire has anything to do with gourmet food? There are lots of Michelin-starred restaurants that serve delicious dishes at cheap prices in Taiwan. Yet, do you know that there are four Michelin-starred cities in Taiwan? Let’s roam through the streets and alleys in Taiwan with this gourmand bible to tickle our taste buds!

太魯閣 02/Taroko: In-depth Tourism and Indigenous Tribe圖片

太魯閣 02/Taroko: In-depth Tourism and Indigenous Tribe


  If you’ve had enough with Shakadang, Eternal Spring Shrine and Swallow Grotto Trail, join the indigenous Taiwanese for an in-depth tour at Taroko National Park! Living in the gorge, the Truku (Taroko) people is one of the 16 indigenous peoples in Taiwan. “Hunting” is a traditional culture crucial to the people. Their facial tattoo stands out as their feature as well as a symbol of adulthood. Their traditional songs are fused with the sounds of nature. Accompanied by musical instruments, they perform dances unique to their own. Let us venture into the Jhui Lu Old Trail at Tianxiang, where you can find the most authentic experience with the Taiwanese indigenous people!

太魯閣 01/Taroko: Scenery and Transportation圖片

太魯閣 01/Taroko: Scenery and Transportation


  If you are fond of nature, you cannot miss Taroko National Park in Taiwan! After 4 million years of time, the national park gave birth to ample sceneries like majestic peaks, steep valleys and winding tunnels. Hence, it is named one of the “top ten must-see sights” according to a survey in the U.K. and recommended by Time in the U.S! Yet, how can we go to Taroko National Park, and what are the recommended attractions nearby? Don’t worry. Through our introductions, let us check out the tips for the tour at Taroko National Park in Taiwan together!

故宮/National Palace Museum圖片

故宮/National Palace Museum

  來到臺灣旅遊,一定要參觀故宮博物院(National Palace Museum)!在故宮,你(妳)可以欣賞中華文化的歷史文物,例如不會壞掉的「翠玉白菜」(Jadeite Cabbage)、嘗不出味道的「肉形石」(Meat-shaped Stone),以及可以用來祭天、也可以拿來煮菜的「毛公鼎」(Mao-kung Ting)…不過故宮不只這幾個寶貝,還有三件國寶級山水畫,會讓人有走入畫中的感覺哦!如果走累了,到故宮的餐廳用餐吧!不知道怎麼點餐?別擔心,下載「Huayu101 app」就沒問題囉!

  Any visitor to Taiwan cannot miss the tour to the National Palace Museum (NPM)! Here at the NPM, you can get to appreciate the historic artifacts of the Chinese culture, including the Jadeite Cabbage that never spoils, the Meat-shaped Stone without taste, and the Mao-kung Ting for heaven worship or cookery, and so on and so forth. However, the NPM has more than these precious to offer. There are also three national-treasure landscape paintings that teleport us into the pictures! If you want to take a break, you can also go dining at the restaurant in the NPM! Don’t know how to order? Don’t worry. Just download “Huayu101” app and enjoy the tour!
