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National Kaohsiung Normal University, Center of Language and Culture Teaching | Find Institutes | Office of Global Mandarin Education

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National Kaohsiung Normal University, Center of Language and Culture Teaching



  • Accommodation

  • Student Restaurant

  • Related Certificate

  • Near Train Station

  • Near MRT Station

  • Location: Southern Taiwan

    South, Kaohsiung City

  • Established Date: 2009
National Kaohsiung Normal University, Center of Language and Culture Teaching
Address:No.116, Heping 1st Rd., Lingya District, Kaohsiung City 802, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  • Teachers: Full-time teacher 5 people, Part-time teacher 0 people
  • Contact Person: Leon Lin
  • Email: clcts213@gmail.com
  • Telephone: 886-7-7172930 ext.2603
  • FAX: 886-7-716-6903
Admission Conditions:


Mandarin classes at Center of Language and Culture Teaching, National Kaohsiung Normal University (NKNU), are open to people who possess at least a high school diploma or its equivalent. Applicants should have a good academic record and exhibit a sincere interest in learning Chinese.


  • Purposes

The Mandarin Classes, dedicated to the teaching of Chinese culture and Chinese as a second language, aim at offering a variety of Chinese courses that acquaint foreigners and overseas Chinese with the essence of the Chinese language and culture as well as at strengthening international friendship through the promotion of cultural exchange.


  • Apply in Taiwan: 2 weeks before the new term begins
  • Apply from foreign countries: 1 month before the new term begins (based on the date shown on the postal stamp)

 ◎Description of General Courses

( All classes are instructed in Chinese , only Basic & Elementary level would be used partly English , it could be not suitable  to the students who need the classes with biligual languges )

  1. Basic Level

This class is for students with no background in Chinese.  Introduction to the writing system, and emphasis on the fundamental vocabulary and structure of Chinese required for basic conversation. Students will learn to write approximately 200 Chinese characters, and be able to perform communicative tasks appropriate to this range of characters.  Basic language skills in speaking, reading, and writing modern Chinese are taught in class. Fluency in speaking and reading is strongly emphasized.

  1. Elementary Level

It is a sequel to the Basic level.  Increasing emphasis will be paid to cultivating reading and writing skills in Chinese, as related to basic personal needs. Reading and writing are substantially accelerated, and oral practice is based on reading materials.  Students will be trained to read and write letters, short paragraphs and essays in Chinese characters.  At the completion of this level, students will be able to write approximately 400 Chinese characters, and be able to perform communicative tasks appropriate to this range of characters.  Reading tasks will also be geared towards this range of characters.C. Intermediate LevelAfter the students complete Basic Chinese and Elementary Chinese at NKNU (with a minimum grade of "B") or their Mandarin proficiency is equivalent to the elementary level (based on a placement test).  Emphasis is put on reading narrative texts, and on understanding authentic oral texts. Writing assignments stress skills necessary for basic personal needs and tasks necessary for writing social correspondence.  In particular, readings and discussions (written and oral) of works on contemporary cultural and social life in the vernacular are emphasized in class.  At the completion of this level, students will be able to write approximately 800 Chinese characters and be able to perform communicative tasks appropriate to this range of characters.

  1. Advanced Level

It is designed to familiarize students with the language of print and broadcast media, with a focus on news media.  Students will learn strategies and tactics applicable to newspaper reading, both skimming Chinese texts for basic content and reading intensively for complete comprehension.  Students will also learn essential skills for understanding television/internet and radio broadcasts.  Contents for discussion include sociopolitical news, economic news, cultural news, and sports news.  Regular writing assignments and task-based activities help reinforce reading and listening abilities.


  1. Individual Classes (Tutorial): Schedule is to be arranged individually


  1. There are four terms in a year.
  2. The academic year consists of three-month term (1st Quarter, 2nd Quarter, and 3rd Quarter and 4th Quarter).
  3. The classrooms are located on the 1st floor of Activity Building, National Kaohsiung Normal University, 116, Ho-Ping 1st, Kaohsiung.
  4. Application deadline: 2 weeks prior to the term.
  5. 10% discount for NKNU students and faculty.
  6. A certificate (in both Chinese and English) will be given upon completion of the course. Absenteeism of 1/6 of the classes invalidates course completion.
  7. There will be no make-up classes if the student takes a personal leave.
  8. The CLCT reserves the right to accept or reject any applications without assigning any reasons thereof.

Application Procedure

  1. Before the designated application deadline for that term, the students should submit required registration documents.
  2. We will send notification of acceptance to successful applicants 10 days (including holidays) after the closing date for applications.
  3. After receiving notification of acceptance, students should organize their visa. According to ROC regulations, overseas students must be enrolled for 15 or more hours of class per week to be designated as "formal students", and thus able to be granted a student visa.
  4. Applications can be submitted to Center of Language and Culture Teaching either in person or by proxy, or via registered mail (mailing address: Center of Language and Culture Teaching, National Kaohsiung Normal University, No. 116, Ho-Ping 1st, Lingya District, 80201, Kaohsiung, Taiwan). However, all fees must be paid in full by the closing date for applications.

 Application Materials

All applicants should submit the following materials by the application deadline:

  1. A copy of completed application form, including two passport photos.
  2. A photocopy of passport first page (must clearly show passport number, name and personal details and photograph).
  3. A photocopy of diploma, school transcripts or equivalent academic records listing courses, grades, credits, etc.
  4. Recent health certification (within six months). The applicant must submit a general statement (or standardized form) signed by a certified doctor stating the applicant's overall health and including the following: allergies, venereal disease, Chest X-Ray and Rubella antibody test.
  5. Recent financial statement (within three months), showing at least US$2,000. If statement is in your parents’ name, you must also submit their signed guarantee letter promising financial support.
Related Assistance:

If applicants need to get more information , or download the application form 

please go to website: https://clcts.nknu.edu.tw/CLCT/SignUpInfo/SignUpInfo

email : clcts213@gmai.com


School Introduction:

Please  read the introduction as linked 


A University with Vision, Passion, and a Distinctive Heritage It is here one can be immersed in vibrant communities that are charged with intellectual curiosity and spurred by strong camaraderie. University History: The Provincial Kaohsiung Teacher’s College was established in 1954.In August of 1967, the Provincial Government of Taiwan then founded and renamed the college as the Taiwan Provincial Kaohsiung Teachers College. The Institution’s mission was to train secondary school teachers for the nation’s nine-year compulsory education program. Taiwan Provincial Kaohsiung Teachers College became the National Kaohsiung Teachers College on July 1, 1980.Nine years later, on August 1, 1989, the college was re-designated as National Kaohsiung Normal University. The University’s mission was remodeled and became devoted to the cultivation of a rich intellectual environment where individuals can be trained to become the future leaders of society.In 1989, the University initiated plans to build a second campus in Yan-Chao in order to accommodate its new mission. The campus was inaugurated a year later and, in 2003, the College of Technology and the College of Science moved to Yen-Chao.In 2005, the University was recognized for its merit by the Ministry of Education in the national joint university evaluation and thus was both awarded funding and accredited as an “excellent” institution. 簡史 本校前身為高雄女子師範學校,設於民國 43 年。民國 56 年,配合實施九年國民教育政策,培養中等學校健全的師資,設立「省立高雄師範學院」,初設國文、英文、數學三個學系;民國 69 年,改制為「國立高雄師範學院」,民國 78 年升格為「國立高雄師範大學」,組織規模擴大為教育學院、科學教育學院(82 年改為理學院)與人文教育學院(86 年改為文學院),同時於高雄燕巢開闢第二校區。至民國 92 年創設科技學院與藝術學院,成為具有五個學院規模的大學。另外設有進修學院,提供完整的成人及繼續教育的進修管道,在南台灣著有口碑。 學校定位 本校秉持「學高為師,身正為範」的理念,以師資生與產業人才(非師資生)的「雙核心」菁英養成教育為定位,全面鏈結產業、學術、研究、服務、實習以訂定完善研究與產學合作機制,實現培育最優質師資及社會多元人才之精緻型大學願景。 以六個學院發展九大產業,培育全方位未來產業界人才 在六大學院(包括教育學院、文學院、理學院、藝術學院、科技學院及進修學院)教學研究資源基礎之上,規劃符合產業界需求之專業化學習課程,成為產業界的最佳夥伴。一方面發展多元化的生涯進路,成為各領域之專業人士加強國際競爭力之最佳學習管道;另一方面結合產業、學術、研究、教學網絡資源,朝向事業經營管理、高齡者服務事業、光電科技與管理、太陽能發光元件、新農業與生技醫療、人工智慧、綠能與生化科技、社區健康諮復美學、數位文創設計等多元發展趨勢,培育全方位未來產業界人才,循序漸進地轉型為師培與非師培並重的雙核心精緻大學。


All  application information  : https://clcts.nknu.edu.tw/CLCT/SignUpInfo/SignUpInfo