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Chinese Language Instruction Center, Office of international and Cross-Strait Affairs, Fo Guang University | Find Institutes | Office of Global Mandarin Education

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Chinese Language Instruction Center, Office of international and Cross-Strait Affairs, Fo Guang University

Chinese Language Instruction Center FGU Log
Chinese Language Instruction Center FGU Log(Black)


  • Accommodation

  • Scholarship

  • Extracurricular teaching

  • Related Certificate

  • Location: Eastern Taiwan

    East, Yilan County

  • Established Date: 2000.7
Chinese Language Instruction Center, Office of international and Cross-Strait Affairs, Fo Guang University
Address:No. 257, Zhongshan Rd., Sec. 3, Yilan City, 260, Taiwan
  • Teachers: Full-time teacher 0 people, Part-time teacher 14 people
  • Contact Person: Peggy Shen
  • Email: clic@mail.fgu.edu.tw
  • Telephone: 886-3-9313343#302
  • FAX: 886-3-9315903
School Introduction:
一、發揚傳統書院精神,提供妥善照顧︰本校效法宋明理學家辦學精神,依循傳統教育「言教」與「身教」並重的辦學理念。不論在行政團隊及師資陣容皆為私立大專校院之翹楚。 二、推展三生教育理念,培育內外兼具特質︰將「生命、生活、生涯」等三生教育的概念融入校園,同時推展學術導師、企業導師之雙師制度,期盼打造一個「全人教育、溫馨校園、終身學習」的典範大學。 三、全球聯大系統,2+2 Program︰2011年由佛光體系成立全球聯大系統,提供學子(1)2+2 Program=台灣、美國二張文憑(美國西來大學就讀2年採台灣私校收費標準)(2)學期交換生(3)暑假短期英語遊學。 四、全校模組課程設計:依「跨領域學習」、「升學就業導向」概念,本校細心規劃「學程化課程」,讓學子可以依未來發展,系統性的選擇學習方向。 五、其他︰ (一)宿舍安排︰備有境外生專屬宿舍。 (二)獎學金︰依本校規定辦理,詳見本校「新鮮人入口網」。 1.We focuses on general education and the humanistic spirit. 2.Promote the concept of "life, live, career" concept into the campus, cultivate the characteristics both inside and outside. 3.Fo Guang Shan University Consortium,we provide, 1. 2+2 program dual degree between Taiwan and U.S.A. 2. exchange students. 3. Summer study tour. 4.Our courses designed by the concept of "Cross-disciplinary learning", to be your base-stone to further study in Master or Doctoral degree or create your career life . 5.Others, 1. Dorms for outside borders students. 2.scholarship. 6.For more information, please go to https://goo.gl/DKErdq.