北部, Taoyuan City
- 成立時間: 1969
- 龍華科技大學華語文中心
- 網站:https://www.lhu.edu.tw/
- 地址:No.300,Sec.1,Wanshou Rd.,Guishan District,Taoyuan City, 33306,Taiwan (R.O.C.)
- 師資: 專任老師 2 人、兼任老師 11 人
- 聯絡人: 蔡依辰
- Email: he314@gm.lhu.edu.tw
- 聯絡電話: 02-82093211 ext.2506
- 傳真號碼: 02-8209-1468
申請人應為未具僑生身份且不具中華民國國籍之外國籍學生 (不含港澳生及大陸地區學生)。
International students are eligible to apply for admission to LHU exclusive of overseas Chinese, Hong Kong and Macau citizens, and those with passports issued by the People’s Republic of China.
Applications should be submitted to the Office of International and Cross-Strait Cooperation, LHU, along with the following documents (Applicationforms are available from this office)
- a) 入學申請表一式兩份。
-Two copies of the completed application form
- b) 中文或英文翻譯本最高學歷之外國畢業證書影印本一份(包括國內外僑學校,但 不包括國外華僑學校)。
-One photocopy of the most advanced diploma/degree certificate from a school
in the applicant’s native country (including local foreign schools, but excluding overseas Chinese schools)
- c) 全部成績單英譯本或中譯本一份(應經原就讀學校加蓋章戳或鋼印密封後逕寄本 校)。
-a complete official transcript of academic records in English or in Chinese (the
transcript must bear the stamp of the original school and be mailed directly to LHU in a sealed envelope)
- d) 財力證明書(具備足夠在臺就學之財力)。
-A financial statement verifying that the applicant has sufficient funds to pursue the studies.
- e) 最近六月內醫院出示之健康證明書一份(包括人類免疫缺乏病毒檢驗報告)。
-A copy of health certificate issued by a hospital within the past 6 months (including an HIV virus blood serum test report)
- f) 其他:各系規定之申請資格及申請時繳交之文件。
-Other documents required by each department or each graduate school
Each academic year begins on August 1 and ends on July 31 of the following year. In the first semester, classes usually begin with mid- or late- September; in the second semester, late February of the following year.
Recognized by the Ministry of Education, Lunghwa University of Science and Technology is the best private vocational higher education institute in northern Taiwan. With experienced teachers and versatile facilities, our Chinese Language Center, aiming to cultivate students’ holistic Chinese linguistic skills, is the best choice for international students craving to learn this magnificent language.