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Contact Person:Joy Yang


Telephone: 886 4-23323456 ext.6286



Class Introduction:

Chinese Language Ability Description
- Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognize implicit meaning.
- Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.
 - Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.
 - Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors, and cohesive devices.

Level Description
- Already taken Intermediate III or learning hour up to 1080 hours.

A Course in Contemporary Chinese V L5-10 A Course in Contemporary Chinese VI L1-2

Classification: Regular Study Courses
Class Period: 1 Month to 3 Months ( Including Winter and Summer Vacation Courses )
Offering courses frenquency: Quarterly