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Mandarin-Basic(I) | Find Courses | Office of Global Mandarin Education

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Brief Course Introduction to Mandarin Basic(I)


  • Contact Person: 林嘉玲
  • Email: loveling@nanya.edu.tw
  • Telephone: 886-3-4361070#5135
  • FAX: 886-3-465-0401


Class Introduction:

This course aims to enhance students' Mandarin communication skills, expand their vocabulary and grammar knowledge, and deepen their understanding of Taiwanese culture. The course focuses on practical applications in daily life and social interactions, covering more advanced language skills and cultural knowledge. Below is the detailed course description:

Course Overview:

  1. Practical Audio-Visual Chinese, Book 1 (Lessons 9-12)
    Building on previous lessons, these chapters explore common life topics such as social interactions, asking about well-being, and responding to current events. Students will strengthen their vocabulary and grammar foundations while becoming familiar with longer dialogues.

  2. Practical Audio-Visual Chinese, Book 2 (Lessons 1-9)
    The second book introduces more complex dialogues in situations like work, leisure activities, invitations, and arranging meetings. Students will learn how to handle social situations, improve their spoken expression, and enhance listening comprehension.

  3. Reading and Writing
    Students will learn to read and understand passages containing about 700 basic vocabulary words. Through narrative writing exercises, they will improve their writing skills. The course includes various writing tasks such as travel notes, personal letters, and short stories to develop students' writing techniques.

  4. Taiwanese Festival Stories
    This unit introduces Taiwan’s major festivals and their cultural significance. Students will become familiar with festival-related vocabulary and expressions while gaining a deeper understanding of the importance of these festivals in Taiwanese society.

  5. Chinese Customs and Traditions
    This section explores traditional Chinese customs and habits. Students will learn to compare the differences and similarities between Taiwanese culture and their own, discussing the social implications of these cultural differences and learning to embrace the challenges of cultural diversity.

  6. Speaking and Listening Practice (II)
    This module provides more advanced speaking and listening practice, focusing on complex scenarios such as workplace communication, inviting others, and planning activities. Students will develop stronger real-life language application skills.

  7. Local Culture and Folk Customs Walking Tour (Custom Materials)
    Using custom teaching materials, this course takes students on a journey to discover Taiwan’s local culture and customs. Through cultural walking tours, students will experience different regions' lifestyles and traditions firsthand, sparking interest and engagement in their learning.

Quantifiable Learning Goals:

  • Gradually master 100 basic grammar points and 600 essential vocabulary words.
  • Acquire communication skills in 16 daily life topics, enabling deeper conversations.
  • Deliver a self-prepared 3-minute oral presentation.
  • Read and comprehend texts with 700 basic vocabulary words.
  • Write a 300-character narrative or practical text, such as a short story, travel notes, personal letters, and topic-based essays.

This course is suitable for students with a foundational understanding of Mandarin. It emphasizes not only language skill development but also the integration of knowledge about Taiwanese and Chinese traditions, helping students enhance both their linguistic abilities and cultural understanding.

Classification: Regular Study Courses
Class Period: More Than 3 Months
Offering courses frenquency: Quarterly
Students Number: 6-15 people