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Regular Course of Winter Term, 2024 | Find Courses | Office of Global Mandarin Education

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Regular Course of Winter Term, 2024


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Regular Course of Winter Term, 2024

Class Introduction:
CLC's regular course of autumn term will run from December 2, 2024, to February 21, 2025. Registration is now open. Students who wish to enroll can first apply for membership in our system and then register for the course: https://clc-cc.vm.nthu.edu.tw/clcreg/index.php/member/login

For more course details, please see: http://clc-cc.vm.nthu.edu.tw/rcc/index.php/course/course_date

Classification: Regular Study Courses
Class Period: 1 Month to 3 Months ( Including Winter and Summer Vacation Courses )
Class Date: 2024.12.02 - 2025.02.21
Students Number: 6-15 people
Registration Deadline: 2024-11-25