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Kun Shan University, Chinese Language Center
Student Restaurant
Extracurricular teaching
Related Certificate
Near Train Station
Mandarin and Culture Study Tour
The Characteristic :
The center has combined the available resources of Kun Shan University with local culture and ecology. Based on the different needs and interests of foreign students, the center gives them a wide variety of culture trip courses: Watching traditional Taiwan folk plays and puppet shows, listening to Chinese traditional music , going on a tour of the National Museum of Taiwan history, the National museum of Taiwan literature, the Tainan municipal park Chi-Mei museum, the Salt museum , Ten Drum Culture Village,historic sites , and Chigu bird-watching, or participating in some activities such as tea ceremony, Chinese traditional painting and rubbing etc.
To achieve better results, the center does its utmost to create a pleasant and good Chinese-speaking environment, to pay close attention to individual needs of foreign students and to put special emphasis on Chinese daily conversation and creative activities and professional Chinese course design.
- To heighten foreign students’ learning effect, the center has enthusiastic tutors who offer them