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Chinese Language Center, National Taichung University of Education
Short Term Program
Level 級別 |
Description 課程內容 |
Introductory 入門班 |
Students study tones, pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary in Chinese and focus on practical, daily conversations and communication patterns 學習華語文的基本發音、語法及常用字彙,進一步能使用基本句型與人溝通。 |
Basic 基礎班 |
Students enhance their speaking and lexicon ability and master the stroke orders in Chinese characters by learning intermediate grammar, syntax, and oral communication. 藉由已建立之中文基礎,學習新的語法、掌握漢字的書寫規則,加強日常對話之訓練及字彙能力。 |
Intermediate 中級班 |
Students emphasize the understanding and application of Chinese sentences and vocabulary by studying more complex sentence patterns, articles, and conversations. 學習更複雜的句型與文章,搭配會話課程以加強對字句、字義的瞭解與應用。 |
Advanced 進階班 |
Students integrate grammar, syntax and sentence structure by increasing the depth and width of the learning materials. 加深學習內容之深度與廣度,進行文法、句法、詞句架構之整合,搭配寫作課程,進一步提升中文能力。 |
Superior 高級班 |
Students further upgrade their listening, speaking, reading and writing proficiency by conducting case studies and topic-based discussions with different styles of articles. 以不同體裁的文章,配合專題討論課程,全方面提升聽、說、讀、寫能力。 |