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EU Officials Visiting Taiwan for Studying Political Economic, Cultural Affairs, and to Learn Mandarin Chinese

2019-08-12 16:24:25

The Ministry of Education (MOE) invited 36 officials of the European Union (EU) to Taiwan for studying the political, economic, and cultural affairs of Taiwan. Also, several visiting officials arranged to undertake two-week Mandarin Chinese programs at the Fu Jen Catholic University so that they may have a better understanding of Taiwan’s rich culture through the learning of the language.

Today the Department of International and Cross-strait Education and the MOE shared in a news release, the EU-Official Chinese Language and Taiwan Study Program was first held in 2007. This year it is divided into two divisions: political-economic study and Mandarin culture study.

The 21 EU officials invited for research in the political-economic division have participated in a week of seminars held at the National Cheng-Chi University to share with Taiwanese scholars from various fields of expertise on the issues of economics, politic, education, culture, and society. Whereas the other 15 officials invited for Mandarin culture study were engaged in a two-week program that took place at the Fu Jen Catholic University.

Besides the seminar and Mandarin program, the EU officials also visited the National Palace Museum, Da Dao Cheng, and Pingxi in New Taipei City, to experience the history and culture of Taiwan. The MOE expects to expand the bilateral dialogue in various aspects and to extend the official collaboration through mutual exchange and communication.

Taiwan has currently participated in the EU programs for training and career development of fellows, such as the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA), the Erasmus+, Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degrees, and the Jean Monet Actions. Taiwanese research fellows may participate in vanguard science research projects by enrolling in top EU universities through the above channel.

(origin from:CNA)