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California Department of Education grants the Seal of Biliteracy to encourage bilingual studies

In order to encourage high school graduates to listen, speak, read, and write in languages other than English, the United States introduced “The Seal of Biliteracy” to high school students, which fulfilled the requirement in a few states. The award is a recognition in learning and capable of using a second language other than English. This is especially useful for the students applying for university or seeking job opportunities in the future.
The State Seal of Biliteracy, also known as SSB, was first introduced by the California Department of Education in the 815 Assembly Bill and passed by the legislative counsel in 2011. The bill has been approved by the governor as an instructional program in California Education Code sections 51460-51464. The bill has been revised in 2017 according to AB 1142, and has been effective since January 1st, 2018.
California has received the highest number of awards from the United States Department of Education in 2016 and considered as the leader of encouraging multi-language education in the country. Today, over 27 states including Washington DC has joined the program after California. In 2017, the California Department of Education started to use vertical analysis to collect student academic performance data for SSB. Educational institutes (LEA, including public schools, private schools, or charter schools, etc) may use choose to use these data as an index for them to enter universities or make progress in career.
The purpose of SSB is to encourage students in learning different languages, for employers to easily determine their multicultural capability, increase team relationship, as recognition of magnitude and respect to multicultural community and language. The State Seal of Biliteracy is granted by the Superintendent of the California Department of Education according to the standard listed in the legislation. When the plan was first introduced in 2012, 10,685 students had received SSB in the first year. In 2017, 46,090 students have been awarded the SSB. The number of students received SSB has grown four times since the SSB seal certified by the California Department of Education has been applied to the high school transcript.
Although the educational institutes willingly participate in the SSB scheme, being able to speak multiple languages has always been a respected skill. While globalization causes great influence in the world, the bilingual ability has become an important skill in seeking employment opportunities.
Regarding standard requirement in SSB please visit the website of the California Department of Education for more details.
Source: Ministry of Education Epaper