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Travelers arriving from Europe through March 5-14 advised to notify local district offices of their travel history | Coronavirus News | Office of Global Mandarin Education


Coronavirus News

Travelers arriving from Europe through March 5-14 advised to notify local district offices of their travel history

2020-03-19 16:25:56

In response to the recent spike in the number of confirmed imported cases in Taiwan most of which are linked to trips to Europe, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced on March 18 that it will conduct retrospective health monitoring on individuals entering Taiwan from Europe, Egypt, Turkey and Dubai (transits in these regions included), in addition to a retrospective testing on symptomatic individuals. The CECC urged members of the public arriving in Taiwan from the abovementioned areas during the specified time period to follow home quarantine measure, and to immediately contact their local township/district offices to report their travel history (offices’ phone numbers are available on the respective local government websites) or call the local government hotline, 1999, to report their history of travel to the local government which will arrange for local civil affair personnel to implement home quarantine procedure.

The CECC also announced that starting from March 19, entry of all foreign nationals will not be allowed unless documents of granted entry are provided and that inbound travelers will be subject to a 14-day period of home quarantine after entering Taiwan.

(origin from Taiwan Centers for Disease Control)