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National Taipei University of Technology, Chinese Language Training Center
North, Taipei City
Address:1, Sec. 3, Zhong-Xiao E. Rd., Taipei, 10608, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Student Restaurant
Related Certificate
Near MRT Station
- Contact Person: Scully Chiu/ Elsa Kuo
- Email:
- Telephone: 886-2-2771-2171 ext.1746/1710
- FAX: 886-2-2721-9524
Tutor Class
Class Introduction:
Our tutor class can open at any time as long as timetable are matched by the student and teacher.
Since it’s a one-on-one class, teacher can totally manage contents to fit student’s level and progress. For example, we had students wanting to take TOCFL exam or learn business Chinese, so the teacher made customized contents for them.
Classification: Customized Courses
Class Period: Customized
Offering courses frenquency: Customized